Public relations and cooperation

The clinical training is carried out in teaching institutes, mainly hospitals and medical centres, situated in the Slovenian Littoral and Kras or in the regions of Goriška and Notranjska. On the other hand, the practical training is carried out in public and commercial institutes situated all over Slovenia. Thanks to the practical placements in the working environment, the areas of teaching and research can connect with commercial and public services and exchange their needs and experience. The Faculty lays great emphasis on the continuous professional improvement of the mentors in the teaching institutes within the lifelong learning programmes.

Numerous esteemed experts in nursing, medicine and nutrition, who develop and impart new knowledge, collaborate in the study process. The transfer of knowledge in both directions is thus enabled, contributing to the sustainable development of the local and regional environment in the field of health.

Cooperation in research work is also coming in the forefront. The Faculty takes part in the wider national environment by applying for tenders, and it cooperates with it independently, according to the development of study and research. The Faculty cooperates with research institutes, the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, some larger Slovenian hospitals and some members of the University of Ljubljana, within national and international programmes and projects carried out at the Faculty and the participating institutions.

Special attention is given to international cooperation with higher education institutes, educational and research institutions, enterprises, and thematic and interest networks.

The UP Faculty of Health Sciences was the third higher education institution in Slovenia to educate Graduate Nurses / Graduate Health Care Workers, and the first to educate Graduate Nutritional Counsellors – Dietitians.


Cooperation with businesses

The members of the University of Primorska cooperate with businesses and other users of knowledge. The University has been paying special attention to cooperating with businesses and other organisations since its foundation, because it is aware that the cooperation with the users of knowledge is the basis for a quality development of the University’s study and research offer, while at the same time contributing to economic development.

UP therefore founded the UP Council of Confidants, but it is through the University Incubator of Primorska (UIP), whose co-founder and partner it is, and the Consortium for Higher Education in the Field of Natural Sciences and Innovative Technologies of Primorska that it actualizes the direct ties with businesses. The expert group for the preparation of study programmes was founded in 2008, its members being representatives from the business sphere and other public institutes. Likewise, business representatives have been invited to collaborate in the preparation of the University’s individual study programmes. The UP Student Fund, co-funded by enterprises, was founded in 2008 in order to provide bursaries for the best UP students.
